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“构建新型市场架构”会议相关发言主持人:欧洲和美国人对竞争和公司规模持悲观态度,普遍认为公司规模大了不好。在中国,情况恰好相反,您能谈谈吗?宁高宁:China is still a relatively young economy. In most sectors, the size of business is still very fragmented. To put all these fragmented business, to consolidate them and to organize them into large scale companies still happens in investment model today. We don’t see too many of too big companies as monopolies. We experience in a lot of sectors that consolidation creates value. If you visit china today and drink a beer, you’ll find the beer quality is dramatically improved, only because there are merely four beer companies today. But, twenty years ago, there were 1,000 beer companies. Now there’s still competition. Today, we’re in agricultural service business. Again this sector is fragmented: the size of farms is small; service companies are very small; so is the case with research, efficiency and other different kinds of things. We need sizable companies. Until today, the sector reorganizes or consolidate into a few, not monopoly, maybe oligopolies type of business where two or three companies still compete. These sizable business provide support to research and development.




但现在,随着“1号超级工厂”(Gigafactory 1)的电池产量明显推迟,以及特斯拉大幅增加Model Y产量的计划,情况开始变得有些模糊。据推测,距离“3号超级工厂”(Gigafactory 3)投产还有几个月的时间,而且距离Model Y投产还有一年多的时间,因此,如果能尽快弄清特斯拉的电池供应商,那将是一件好事。

《 关于依法处理监护人侵害未成年人权益行为若干问题的意见》第三十条 :“ 监护人因监护侵害行为被提起公诉的案件,人民检察院应当书面告知未成年人及其临时照料人有权依法申请撤销监护人资格。 ”对于监护侵害行为符合本意见第35条规定情形而相关单位和人员没有提起诉讼的,人民检察院应当书面建议当地民政部门或者未成年人救助保护机构向人民法院申请撤销监护人资格。
